Virus Natural product(s) evaluated Proposed mechanism(s)

Saikosaponin (A, B2, C, D) against HCoV-22E9

Lycoris radiata and its active component

lycorine, Artemisia annua, Pyrrosia lingua, and Lindera aggregata against SARS-CoV

Phenolic compounds of Isatis indigotica against SARS-CoV

Amentoflavone isolated from Torreya nucifera against SARS-CoV

Myricetin and scutellarein against SARS-CoV

Houttuynia cordata water extract against SARS-CoV

Saikosaponin B2 inhibits viral attachment and penetration stages



SARS-CoV 3CL protease inhibitor


SARS-CoV 3CL protease inhibitor


SARS-CoV helicase inhibitor


SARS-CoV 3CL protease inhibitor; viral polymerase inhibitor




Lin LT, Hsu WC, Lin CC. Antiviral Natural Products and Herbal Medicines. J Tradit Complement Med. 2014 Jan-Mar; 4(1):24-35



제목: 신종 코로나 바이러스 소식:


자료출처: CDC, Medscape, WHO, Osmosis

게시 날짜: 2020.2.17



  • 신종 코로나 감염 명칭? 우한 폐렴, 2019-nCoV, COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019)

  • 원인? 코로나바이러스( a group 2b beta-coronavirus). 사스 SARS-CoV와 유전자가 유전자 서열 (gene sequence)이 70% 일치 함. 

  • 전파 경로 (route of transmission): 호흡기계 물방울 (respiratory droplet); 목 기침, 재채기시 전파.

  • 감염 잠복기 (incubation period)? 5.2 일 ( 4.1 일 ~ 7 일). 그러나 감염에서 증상 발현까지  12.5 일 경과된 경우도 있음.

  • 주요 사망 원인? [1] ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom; 성인호흡곤란증후군; 산소 교환을 하는폐의 폐포 세포들의 손상과 이로인한 단백질 함량 높은 삼출액이 폐포에 고이면서 호흡곤란으로 사망에 이르게 함). [2] 신부전 (kidney failure).     

  • 사망율? 약 2 %.

  • 만성질환을 앓고 있는 40세 초과 성인 남자에게 호발.

  • 가족 감염 가능: 소아의 경우 무증상 감염도 있음.


  1. youtube of WHO information. (검색 키워드; WHO, novel corona)

  2. CDC 2019-nCoV news update. (검색 키워드: CDC, novel coronavirus)

  3. Medscape (검색 키워드: Medscape, novel coronavirus)

    4. Osmosis (검색 키워드: Osmosis, novel coronavirus)



 대한의사협회에서 코라나 (우한폐렴, 신종 코로나, 2019-nCoV)에 대한 팩트를 알려주는 어플을 제공하였다. 


어플 설치 방법:

1. 구글 플레이스토아 접속.

2. 검색창에 'KMA 코로나 팩트' 입력

3. 검색순위에서 중간 부위에 나옴.

4. 설치를 클릭 


1. 구글 플레이스타아 접속

2. 검색창에 'KMA 코로나 팩트' 입력


3. 검색순위에서 중간 부위에 나옴.


4. 설치를 클릭 


홈페이지: (인터넷 검색창에  입력)



Corresponding E.mail:

Date: 2020.02.01


 As of February 1, 2020, the outbreak of 2019-nCoV in mainly China and all over the world has been throwing many peoples into turmoil, as the following reasons:

 1. no therapeutic drug,

 2. no vaccine,

 3. avoidance of infected person is the only preventive method,

 4. even latent patients can spread nCoV infection.


 Until bioscientists and medical doctors discover a new therapeutic drug, what can/should we do?


 As a common sense, the key point to prevent infection is to boost the immunity of humans.

The type of required immunity in case of nCoV should be both anti-viral and anti-bacterial in nature. 


 About this issue, I searched the answer in the Bible.


 In 2013, I wrote the booklet, titled as 'PASSOVER DAY  Medical Interpretation by a Pathologist –' Copyright (C-2013-017025).

Among the contents, I published one related theme, 'Passover and Bitter Herb'. Its story is as follows:


Title: Passover and Bitter Herb


 In Chapter 12: verse 8th of Exodus, the Bible says, "That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast".


 Why did God direct the Israelite to eat the meat of sheep or goat with bitter herb?


 As the Korean proverb of "Good drug is bitter", the pharmaceutical effects of many herbal medicines are due to bitter components. Drewnowski and Gomez-Carnezo reported on components of bitter taste (Am J of Clini Nutrition 2000;72:1424-35). The known chemical components of bitter taste are phenol, isoflavonoid, flavonoid, terpenes, glucosinolate, tannin, and et al. These chemicals have bactericidal, antioxidant, and antitumor effects. Herein we can guess the role of the bitter herb on Passover day night against infection.


 When I went through military training on the mountain, there was a disposable toilet for soldiers. This toilet is simply made of one bottle with an entrance for receiving urine. The toilet bottle entrance is sealed by filter net. The filter net is covered by many leaves of pine tree. The leaf of pine tree is rich in phenol, which has a bactericidal effect on bacteria in urine and prevents a bad smell.


 Many references mentioned the bitter herbs on Passover day night to probably be chicory and dandelion. 

 The alcohol extract of the root of chicory has an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect.

 Chicory also has antiviral activity and its ability to boost the immune system.

 Dandelion is also antipyretic and used as diuretic and digestive drug. It is also used to treat jaundice and chronic disorder of the kidney. Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamin C. As we know, vitamin C is known to be one of the first remedy in common cold.


 In summary, the bitter herbs on Passover day-night seemed to play a pivotal role in anti-infectivity and boosting immunity.

 In this context, even in case of 2019-nCoV infection, the key component of our daily food should contain bitter herbs or vegetables, such as chicory, dandelion, perilla leaf, etc.



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