Vitamin C in Common Colds & Virus; about Its Effectiveness
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DATE: 2020.03.17
About the usefulness of megadose vitamin C in common colds or flu-like symptoms, there have been many debates.
With the high potency of the antioxidant effect in vitamin C, vitamin C seems to be a healthful nutrient to suppress the inflammatory reaction in cancer or infection, including viral respiratory diseases.
Gorton & Jarvis reported that vitamin C use in the early phase of virus-induced respiratory infections can be helpful to prevent further disease progression or to relieve symptoms of common colds or flu-like symptoms.[1]
In contrast, Douglas et al analyzed that vitamin C plays some role in respiratory defense mechanisms, but vitamin C at the onset of common colds did not show clinically significant benefit.[2]
In summary, the beneficial role of vitamin C in common colds or virus-induced respiratory infections has not been clearly established.
But Oudemans-van Straaten et al commented that vitamin C can restore vascular responsiveness to vasoconstrictors, preserve endothelial barrier by maintaining cyclic guanylate phosphatase and occludin phosphorylation and preventing apoptosis. Furthermore, they mentioned the role of high-dose vitamin C in augmenting antibacterial defense. With this context, they argued that vitamin C can be applied for ischemia/reperfusion injury and sepsis.[3]
Although there are many conflicting reports on the beneficial role of vitamin C in common colds, at least vitamin C can be used as an antioxidant to maintain vascular integrity and plausibly to prevent aggravation of secondary bacterial infection.
1. Gorton HC, Jarvis K. The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and
relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections. J Manipulative
Physiol Ther. 1999 Oct;22(8):530-3.
2. Douglas RM, Hemila H, D'Souza R, Chalker EB, Treacy B. Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 Oct
3. Oudemans-van Straaten HM, Spoelstra-de Man AM, de Waard MC. Vitamin C
revisited. Crit Care. 2014 Aug 6;18(4):460.